Zikai Wang (王子恺)

zkwang AT ruc.edu.cn

I’m a Master’s student and obtained my B.E in Renmin University of China (RUC) under the supervision of Prof. Yunpeng Chai in 2021. I’m currently also a research intern student in the Data Management Group in TU Darmstadt, advised by Prof. Carsten Binnig and Dr. Tobias Ziegler. My research interests lie in the development of components for modern data-intensive systems, especially disaggregated systems. At present, my focus is on constructing a scalable transactional database system above the high-speed network-supported shared-caching distributed system ScaleStore. For further insights into our motivation and vision, please refer to the paper presented at CIDR'23: Is Scalable OLTP in the Cloud a Solved Problem?. I am on track to graduate in June 2024, and I will be joining Northeastern University to work on verifiable systems under the supervision of Dr. Cheng Tan.





  • Research Intern, TU Darmstadt
    • Mar. 2023 - present, Data Management Group, Remote
    • With Prof. Carsten Binnig and Dr. Tobias Ziegler
    • We conducted an extensive performance evaluation of common concurrency control methods within the context of the disaggregated shared-caching system with the support of RDMA, ScaleStore, and analyzed its suitable transaction model.
    • Constructing a scalable transactional database system above ScaleStore.
  • Research Intern, Tencent
    • Sep. 2020 - Sep. 2022, TDSQL3, Beijing
    • Provided heterogeneous multiple replicas supports for TDSQL3, a commercial distributed HTAP database developed by Tencent.
    • Proposed a workload-aware storage model based on the LSM-Tree storage engine of TDSQL3. We decoupled the tuple-level key-value pairs and reorganized the field-level key-value pairs based on the cost model of key-value engines and our evaluation of storage models
  • VLDB Summer School 2021
    • Jan. 2022, Haikou, Hainan
    • Awards: Outstanding Student
    • Participated in lectures on distributed transactions, concurrency control, transactions on new hardware, etc.
    • Finished the distributed database labs based on TinySQL and TinyKV
  • Teaching Assistant, Renmin Univ. of China

Honors and Awards

  • First Class Scholarship (2021 - 2022)
  • Outstanding Student in VLDB Summber School (Jan. 2022)
  • Outstanding Graduate (Renmin Univ. of China, Jun. 2021)